Shaa-Kar-Pareh Apricot Scionwood

An excellent traditional variety from Iran, it has delicious juicy, very sweet and flavor able fruit with light gold blushed pink skin. The medium to large sized fruits have whitish flesh and a texture more like a plum. While sold as an apricot it is said to be an Aprium, plum apricot cross. Hardy zones 6-10. Low chill variety needs at least 350 chill hours below 45F.
Sales price $5.00
Price / kg:

An excellent traditional variety from Iran, it has delicious juicy, very sweet and flavor able fruit with light gold blushed pink skin. The medium to large sized fruits have whitish flesh and a texture more like a plum. While sold as an apricot it is said to be an Aprium, plum apricot cross. Hardy zones 6-10. Low chill variety needs at least 350 chill hours below 45F.